Wednesday, February 6, 2008

A Whole New World

In these past couple of weeks I've been exposed to various forms of technology which have increased my online persona even more.  I can now call myself a blogger?  That sounds weird.  I never thought of myself as a virtual entity before either.  To think, I have my own existence online.  I guess that is true and it has played such a big part in my generation today.  Most people around my age have some sort of "entity" and space online that they can call their own.
I was never interested in creating any type of online persona for myself.  My philosophy was if people wanted to know about me, then we could talk or hang out in person like in the "old days".  Now,  I am an avid user of facebook.  The reason I got into it was because it seemed more "private" than other applications at the time.  Only your friends could see your profile and only people who were enrolled in college could join.  That was two years ago and even that has changed - anyone can join!  I am already sucked into this facebook world but I don't regret it.  Right now with school in session, I have a lot of friends away at school in various states.  We can't always talk on the phone and facebook is such an easy and fast way to talk to my friends.  I have kept in touch with so many people that I might not have kept in touch with if it wasn't for facebook, for example, some of my friends from England and Spain.  So, I very much am involved in this global community and now it would feel weird to not be apart of it.

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