Sunday, February 3, 2008

Regina. Khaimova

In Stanley Kubricks's 1968 classic movie, 2001: A Space Odessey, the relationship between technology and violance are closley related. When the one of the monkey gets up in the morning, he sees a tall object that is not familier to him and he begins to shreek to the other monkeys. They soon all gather around this object as if its a threat to their survival. One of the monkeys had enough guts to touch it. He then realizes it has no harm to him. Humans can relate, because whenever a new kind of technology developes, we spread the word and act as if its a big thing. The part when the monkey took the bone and started "thinking" what he can do or when he started to experiment with it, he started to get violent with it, we can say the same for technology and humans, right when we too start "thinking" and experimenting with things, it can also get violent, for example, hacking into ones computer, is a violation of privacy and so on. I agree to the messege that this movie clip gives off, because it shows how the advancing ages of life and technology can hurt us.

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