Friday, March 7, 2008

Ethridge, Roe. "Artist Interview: Roe Ethridge". Seeing and Writing 2. Jan.2003.,

Nick. "Richard Billingham." Seeing & Writing 3. Eds. Donald McQuade and Christine McQuade. New York: Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2006. 618-623.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Commercial i-phone

Work Cited 2

Ethridge, Roe. "Artist Interview: Roe Ethridge." Seeing and Writing 2. January. 2003.

Hornby, Nick. "Richard Billingham." Seeing & Writing 3. Eds. Donald McQuade and Christine McQuade. New York: Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2006. 618-623.

Commercial, Dove

Commercial, Hummer

Commercial links

1) (guidance)
2 ) (starbucks commercial) -acheive
3) (burger king commercial) -dominance
4) (mercedes benz commercial) - aggress


Ethridge, Roe. "Artist Interview: Roe Ethridge." Seeing & Writing January 2003

Hornby, Nick. "Richard Billingham." Seeing & Writing 3. Ed Alanya Harter. MA: Bedford/St. Martin's, 2006. 618-23.

Children's Tylenol Ad

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Kraft Ad

MLA Citations

Ethridge, Roe. "Artist Interview: Roe Ethridge". Seeing and Writing 2. Jan.2003.

Hornby, Nick. "Richard Billingham". Seeing & Writing 3. Eds. Donald McQuade and Christine McQuade. New York: Bedford/St. Martin's, 2006. 618-623


Ethridge,Joe. Artist Interview:Roe Ethridge.S&W2.2003 Jan.

Material World: A Global Family Portrait by Peter Menzel. San Francisco: Sierra Club Books, 1994

work cited

Ethridge, Roe. "Artist Interview: Roe Ethridge." Seeing and Writing 2. Jan.2003.

Hornby, Nick. "Richard Billingham." Seeing & Writing 3. Eds. Donald McQuade and Christine McQuade. New York: Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2006. 618-623.

Work Cited

Work Cited
Hornby, Nick. “Richard Billingham.” Seeing & Writing 3. Eds. Donald McQuade and
Christine McQuade. New York: Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2006.

McQuade, Christine. “Artist Interview:Roe Ethridge.” Seeing & Writing 2. Jan 2003. 5
Mar 2008.

MLA Citations

Ethridge, Roe. "Artist Interview: Roe Ethridge." Seeing and Writing 2. January. 2003.

Hornby, Nick. "Richard Billingham". Seeing&Writing 3. Eds. Donald McQuade and Christine McQuade. New York: Bedford/ St. Martin's, 2006. 618-623.

Need for Affiliation ad

MLA Citations

Works Cited
Ethridge, Roe. "Artist Interview: Roe Ethridge." Seeing and Writing 2. Jan.2003.
Hornby, Nick. "Richard Billingham." Seeing & Writing 3. Eds. Donald McQuade and Christine McQuade. New York: Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2006. 618-623.

*I know it's supposed to be a hanging indent, but it doesn't work on the blog as you are well aware.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Monday, March 3, 2008

My camera broke, but, I have this pic of me and my adorable niece and nephew on my couch.


My tropical living room



Grossman, Lev. “Time’s Person of the Year: You.” TIME. 13 Dec. 2006. 5 Feb. 2008.

Lee, Jennifer. “I think, Therefore IM.” W.W. Norton & Company Inc NY 2005; New York Times

Stephens, Mitchell. “By Means of the Visible.” Picturing Texts. Ed. Marilyn Moller. New York:
W.W. Norton & Company, Inc., 2004. 56-65.

McCloud, Scott. “Understanding Comics: The Invisible Art.” Seeing & Writing 3. Ed. Alanya
Harter. Boston, 2006. 138-61.

Toffler, Alvin. ''Future Shock.'' New York: Random House, Inc., 1970

Williams, Brian. “But Enough About You…” TIME. com. 16 Dec. 2006

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Image of my refrigerator

How use DOS

How to use DOS to create and work with directories and how to do basic file manipulations in DOS such as copying and moving files from one directory to another as well as other basic file commands.

DOS and Windows show us the various interfaces for controlling the PC.
the DOS is the Operating System, a command line, when typing a command, it gets interpreted and carried out by the DOS program called or the cmd.exe.

In DOS, to copy a file we type "copy"
to set the date we type "date"

Create Directories and Subdirectories:
FORMATE- prepare a disk for use.
COPY-make a copy of a file.
DIR- list the names of all the files on a given disk.
CHKDSK- check the characteristics of the disk and system.

How do we actually use DOS in our machines?
click on the DOS icon on the desktop or else
Enter "start/run/command" from windows desktop or else
Enter "start/run/cmd" from windows desktop
defult drive C: and we switched to a: as the defult,
the icon ":" is the drive designation.

date: Date
Time: Time