Monday, March 10, 2008

NO anorexia

When I saw this ad, I squirmed. This is Isabelle Caro and the ads were displayed on billboards in Milan during fashion week. When you think of fashion, you don't usually think of this type of picture. It's sad though that this is a shocking reality in which some models, women and girls resort down to because they think they have to look a certain way to be pretty and fit in. To me, there's nothing pretty about this and that is what this ad is trying to say.
Flash and Partners is the Italian clothing company that paid for this ad, publicizing the fashion brand: Nolita. I think the ad was definitely shocking, and brought to people's attention an issue that sometimes goes unnoticed. The woman looks sickly in this ad. It shocks you, making you aware that anorexia is a problem and this is what it does to people.

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