Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Monday, February 25, 2008

Grossman, Lev. Time’s Person of the Year: You. Wednesday Dec. 31, 2006,9171,1569514,00.htm

Lee, Jennifer. “I Think Therefore IM.” What’s Language got to do with it? Ed. Marilyn Moller. New York: W.W. Norton Company, 2005. 152-159

McCloud, Scott. “Understanding Comics: The Invisible Art.” Seeing & Writing 3. Ed. Alanya
Harter. Boston, 2006. 138-61.

Stephens, Mitchell. “By Means Of the Visible.” Norton And Company Inc. New York
2004, 57-65

Williams, Brian. “But Enough About You.” Time Magazine. Saturday, Dec. 16, 2006.

Toffler, Alvin. "Future Shock". New York: Random House, 1970.

By Ariel Simantov

Works Cited

Grossman, Lev. “Time’s Person of the Year: You.” TIME. 13 Dec. 2006. 5 Feb. 2008.

Lee, Jennifer. “I think, Therefore IM.” New York, 2002. 152-59.

McCloud, Scott. “Understanding Comics: The Invisible Art.” Seeing & Writing 3. Ed. Alanya
Harter. Boston, 2006. 138-61.

Stephens, Mitchell. “By Means of the Visible.” Picturing Texts. Ed. Marilyn Moller. New York:
W.W. Norton & Company, Inc., 2004. 56-65.

Toffler, Alvin. Future Shock. New York: Random House, Inc., 1970.

Williams, Brian. “But Enough About You…” TIME. 16 Dec. 2006. 5 Feb. 2008.

Works CIted

Works Cited

Grossman, Lev. “Time’s Person of the Year:You” 13 Dec 2006.

Lee, Jennifer 8. “I Think Therefore I Am.” What’s Language got to do with it? W.W.
Norton And Company Inc.2005; New York Times

McLoud, Scott. “Understanding Comics.” Bedford St. Martins. Boston, New York, 2006.
Seeing and Writing 3.

Stephens, Mitchell. “By Means Of the Visible.” Norton And Company Inc. New York
2004, 57-65

Toffler, Alvin. “Future Shock.” Random House Inc, New York, 1970

Williams, Brian. “But Enough about You.” 16 Dec. 2006


Grossman, Lev. “Times Person of the Year: You.” Time Magazine. Wednesday, Dec. 13, 2006.

Lee, Jennifer." I think therefore I am". What's language got to do with it? Ed. Marilyn Moller. New York: W.W. Norton Company, 2005. 152-159

McCloud, Scott. “Understanding Comics.” Seeing and Writing 3. Donald McQuade and Christine McQuade. Bedford/St.Martin’s. Boston, New York, 2006. 694-718.

Stephens, Mitchell. “By Means of the Visible.” Lester Faigley, Picturing Texts. W.W. Norton and Company, Inc. New York, 2004. 57-65.

Toffler, Alvin. "Future Shock". New York: Random House, 1970.

Williams, Brian. “But Enough About You.” Time Magazine. Saturday, Dec. 16, 2006.

substitute italics with underlining. [=


Grossman,Lev."Time's Person of the Year: You". New York Times Magazine.(suppose to be underlined) 13 Dec 06:,9171,1569514,00.html

Lee, Jennifer." I think therefore I am". What's language got to do with it?(underlined)Ed. Marilyn Moller. New York: W.W. Norton Company,2005. 152-159

McCloud, Scott. "Understanding Comics: The Invisible Art(excerpt)." Seeing and Writing 3(underlined) Ed. Alanya Harter. Boston: Bedford/St.Martin's, 2006.137-161

Stephens, Mitchel."By means of the visible". Picturing Texts(underlined). Ed. Marilyn Moller. New York: W.W. Norton Company, 2004.

Toffler,Alvin. Future Shock(underlined). New York:Random House,1970.

Williams, Brian." But enough about you" New York Times Magazine(underlined)16 Dec 06:,9171,1570707,00.html

MLA's for some readings, Khaimova, Regina

Lee 8, Jennifer. “I think, Therefore IM”. What’s Language got to do with it?. Keith Walters and

Michal Brody. New York. Norton and Company Inc. 2005. 152-59

Toffler, Alvin. Future Shock. New York: Random House, 1970.

Grossman, Lev. “Times Person of the Year: You.” Time Magazine. Wednesday, Dec. 13, 2006.

Williams, Brian. “But Enough About You.” Time Magazine. Saturday, Dec. 16, 2006.

Stephens, Mitchell. “By Means of the Visible.” Picturing Texts. Lester Faigley, Diana George, Anna Palchik and Cynthia Selfe. W.W. Norton and Company, Inc. New York, 2004. 57-65.

McCloud, Scott. “Understanding Comics.” Seeing and Writing 3. Donald McQuade and Christine McQuade. Bedford/St.Martin’s. Boston, New York, 2006. 694-718.
Grossman, Lev. “Time’s Person of the Year: You.”; Dec 13, 2006

Lee, Jennifer 8. "I think therefore I am." W.W. Norton & Company Inc NY 2005; New York Times

Mcloud, Scott. " Understanding Comics." Bedford St. Martins, USA 2006; Seeing & Writing 3

Stephens, Mitchell. "By Means of The Visible." Norton & Company Inc NY 1998; Picturing Texts

Toffler, Alvin. "Future Shock." Random House INC NY & Canada USA 1970

Williams, Brian. “But Enough About You...”; Dec 16, 2006

additional citings

Grossman, Lev. " Times Person of the Year"., December 2006

William, Brian. " But Enough about You" ,, December 2006
Works Cited

Lee, Jennifer 8. "I think therefore I am." W.W. Norton & Company Inc NY 2005; New York Times

Mcloud, Scott\ " Understanding Comics." Bedford St. Martins, USA 2006; Seeing & Writing 3

Stephens, Mitchell. "Expanding the Language of Photographs."Beford/ St Martin's 2006; Seeing & Writing 3

Toffler, Alvin. "Future Shock." Random House INC NY & Canada USA 1970.

MLA citation.

Grossman, Lev. “Time’s Person of the Year: You.” 13 Dec.2006

Lee, Jennifer 8. “I think, Therefore IM.” What’s language got to do with it?. Ed.
Keith Walters, Michal Brody. W.W.NORTON&COMPANY, 2005. 152-9.
McLuhan, Marshall. “The Medium is the Massage” New York: Random House,
Stephens, Mitchell. “By Means of the Visible.” Picturing texts. Ed. Lester Faigley.
Toffler, Alvin. “Future Shock.” New York: Random House, 1970.
Williams, Brian. “But Enough About You...” 16 Dec.2006